Organisations > Life Sciences Cluster & Bio Regions
Find below life sciences cluster and bio regions in Belgium, The Netherlands or Luxembourg or related to these countries.Total search results: 26 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
Organisation | Group | Industry | Region |
Amsterdam BioMed Cluster | Amsterdam Innovation Motor (AIM) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
BioWin – the Health Cluster of Wallonia | BioWin – the Health Cluster of Wallonia | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
BOM Brabant Ventures | Netherlands (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Brabant Development Agency (BOM, Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij) | Netherlands (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
FlandersBio vzw ( | FlandersBio vzw ( | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
Food Valley (NL, Stichting Food Valley) | Food Valley (NL, Stichting Food Valley) | foods & beverages | Netherlands |
Health Valley Netherlands | Health Valley Netherlands | LIFE SCIENCES | Netherlands |
Healthy Ageing Campus Netherlands | Healthy Ageing Campus Netherlands | LIFE SCIENCES | Netherlands |
Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN) | Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN) | LIFE SCIENCES | Netherlands |
Health~Holland (NL Top Sector Life Sciences & Health) | Netherlands (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
High Tech NL Energy | High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
High Tech NL Life Sciences | High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
High Tech NL Robotics | High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
High Tech NL Semiconductors | High Tech NL (Vereniging High Tech NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Immuno Valley (NL) | Immuno Valley (NL) | LIFE SCIENCES | Netherlands |
InnovationQuarter (IQ) (NL) | InnovationQuarter (IQ) (NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
InnovationQuarter Capital (investment fund) | InnovationQuarter (IQ) (NL) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Life Sciences & Health, Dutch Masters of (LSH) | Life Sciences & Health, Dutch Masters of (LSH) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
LifeTechLimburg | LifeTechLimburg | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
Luxembourg BioHealth Cluster (Luxinnovation G.I.E) | Luxembourg (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Luxembourg |
Luxinnovation GIE (National Agency for Innovation and Research) | Luxembourg (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Luxembourg |
MEDVIA vzw (Health Innovation Cluster Flanders) | MEDVIA vzw (Health Innovation Cluster Flanders) | healthcare | Belgium |
Mibiton (Stichting Publieke Private Samenwerking Versterking van de MAteriele Infrastructuur BioTechnologisch Onderzoek in Nederland) | Mibiton (Stichting Publieke Private Samenwerking Versterking van de MAteriele Infrastructuur BioTechnologisch Onderzoek in Nederland) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Oost NL (East Netherlands Development Agency) | Oost NL (East Netherlands Development Agency) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen) | Flanders (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
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